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Dit meisje onderging een omgekeerde transformatie

Nee, de voor- en nafoto zijn hier niet per ongeluk van plaats verwisseld. Dit meisje gaat wel degelijk van dun naar minder dun, en ze is er trots op. Ze bewijst dat gezond zijn niet noodzakelijk gelijkstaat aan dun zijn. Zulke transformaties willen we vaker zien!

De 21-jarige Brianna Neely volgde tot voor kort een streng dieet en trainingsprogramma en nam deel aan bodybuildingwedstrijden. Ze was gespierd, had geen grammetje vet meer aan haar lichaam en haar zelfbeeld was beter dan ooit.


Tot het diëten en de trainingen haar te veel werden en ze nauwelijks energie overhad. Ze keek honderd keer per dag in de spiegel, had honger en keek non-stop uit naar haar volgende maaltijd. Ze besloot een grote stap terug te nemen, verminderde haar trainingen sterk en begon opnieuw te eten waar ze zin in had.


Haar mental health is voor Brianna nu minstens even belangrijk als haar fysieke gezondheid. Ze is ervan overtuigd dat healthy niet noodzakelijk hetzelfde is als skinny, en ze hoopt met haar omgekeerde transformatie anderen zo veel mogelijk te inspireren. Amen!



Not your typical #transformation post, but here we go... I debated on posting something like this for a few reasons, but after a long battle of years of bad body image, I have finally found some peace. I can put these photos side by side and not be ashamed or embarrassed by my obvious physical changes. I'm actually quite proud. I always had a pretty thin frame, though I struggled a lot with body image. At the time I took the photo on the left, I think I thought I looked like I do now. Which, I have to say, there is NOTHING wrong with either body type. The only thing wrong with the first photo is how unhappy I was with my body and how obsessed I was with eating only "clean" foods. I mean, I wouldn't touch a processed thing. And if I did, I would feel extremelyyyyyy guilty. This was also during the "thigh gap" craze a couple years ago so yeah let's not talk about that... If you don't have a thigh gap, you're probably not going to ever get one, healthily anyways. ANYWAYS, the point of this post is that not all transformations (for overall health) are going to look the same. Some of us will lose weight, some will gain. I haven't stepped on a scale in over 6 months and don't have any intentions to. My worth is more than a number. The shape of my body does not dictate my health, both physically and mentally. Although, I think I look hell of a lot stronger now, which I am, in my mind and my body. I am currently working towards body peace, and with that I have stripped my life of any restrictions and strict diets, while maintaining as much of a "balanced" lifestyle I can live. I train 4-5 days a week. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't count or track. That's what works for me. I'm happy this way. For some, it's easier for them to track their food consumption and you know what? That's totally ok. It's just always important to be aware of yourself and whether you are actually obsessed, or if you are just dedicated. Remember that you are not your body, you are so much more. Improve as a person, not just how you look, but by how you think.

A photo posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ BRIANNA NEELY (@bneely3) on


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